Thursday, July 02, 2009

"Oh NO She Did-NT"

Ah yeah she did, Ruth Pooped again and peed. I thought all our troubles were behind us when for two days she was enjoying her cat box. I was spraying her bed with calming spray to keep her high. And put some new herbal litter in there. Gave her more attention and everything. We feed them only natural food, with out all the crap in it. But when I returned home from errands- There it was!- I almost took a picture of it but thought I would spare you all. I broke down, made an apt with the vet. If they cant find anything what will I do. I don't punish her. But when I come home after she realizes I found it, she runs to the Garage...
"In Other News, Beyond the Poop"
I am doing a crafty chica Challenge to make a cool embellished tote.
Here is what I have done so far, more to go of course.

This piece will be featured in a group show at the Municipal Gallery in Escondido this Month
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful 4th of July weekend. Love on your family often


Silke Powers said...

Oh, wow, sorry your kitty is at it again. I'm hoping the vet will find something and can take care of it. Often it's a urinary tract infection that can cause that behavior.

Your tote is going to be amazing! I love your art!! :) Silke

the vintage vignette said...

You poor dear! I don't know who has it worse, you or your kitty! Hang in there and hopefull the vet can shed some light on the problem:)

Alicia said...

bad kitty!! but on the bright side i love the picture of the tote!!

Jessica said...

Sorry about the cat! Hopefully the vet can help!

Love your art!

Marie S said...

I love the piece you put in to the gallery show!
And the tote is incredible.
Hang in there with Ruth.
I hope you figure out what it is.

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Boy been there with a cat...good luck and I'm sorry she is doing that again...Love your pieces for your show. Good Luck and have a great 4th of July!

Unknown said...

Hi Brittany,

My kitty does the same thing and it's more than a urinary track infection which is usually a sign of something bigger. It could be . . dare I say it . . renal kidney failure. Loss of bladder control is part of this. It is a good thing you are taking her to the vet. :)

I've had my kitty for almost 16 years so I can empathize with you completely. :) I sure hope it is something else less dramatic with your kitty.

Hugs! =D
~Kitty Kellie
The Artful Paper Doll

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Just picked up after the dog, so, I empathize. If our kitty had troubles I, too, would be so worried. Blessings.

Regina Moore said...

Sorry about the kitty...
your tote is stunning!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about you kitten!! It's rough when you don't know what to do with them! My video store didn't have City of Ember, so I am hoping to persuade her to order it. (it's a very small store in our small town.) That tote is beautiful very colorful, I LIKE!

Carma Sez said...

Love your piece to be featured in the group show. And thanks for NOT posting a picture of the cat poop. My stomach is already queasy today ;-)

Rebecca said...

Ugh. Potty training issues. Never did enjoy that -- kids or cats either one!!! I don't know the background, but kitty-kitty looks pretty young. Sounds more like an emotional problem more than a physical one. Not sure which is easier to fix, though!!! Hope you're able to make a breakthrough soon!

Beautiful colors in that tote. Great texture, too. Very artistic!!!

BTW, did you solve the prob you were having with your profile photo? Looks like Blogger didn't like the html in your profile. If you need help with it, leave me a comment over at my blog, and I'll see what I can do. I'm not a pro, but I've spent enough time screaming at my laptop in html that I should be! :^)

Have a great day!

Cat said...

Hi, I came over from SITS. I really enjoyed reading over your blog! You are really talented, and I love the bright vibrancy of your work.

As for naughty kitties... I completely understand...