Saturday, April 11, 2009


I have been reading a lot lately about blogging,twitter,facebook,linkedin,ning,my web site , myspace and wow there is a world out there that I need to catch up to.
I recently opened an Etsy,ebay,paypal and , and there's more!! - so we shall see if anything brings in any sales to my art works.
Well, that's the plan anyway.
But the main reason for getting all fired up about all of these networks and what not is really due to one person; suzi blu - Why suzi, I dunno its weird how it all worked and well she's a little weird too, so I like it. She just inspired me to geturdun!!! So if you have a chance please check her out. She just recently moved to the San Diego area so I cant wait to meet her in person some day soon!!!!
So after I found suzi I was inspired to again be that creative soul that I was meant to be. I was feeling really dry and crusty, depressed and lonely.
So now I am geared up again to give it a go. To open all doors that lead forward and go yonder!!!
I must admit though there is a learning curve to all of this. It is slow moving but I do take notes often!!!
So on the list of inspiring females are also;
Just to name a couple, and "why" you ask, well how could you not! Just take a look for yourself and you will see why. In future blogs I will be discussing some burning questions as well as some of my techniques. I look forward to readers!!
Cheers and Happy Creating!